Installation Guide SAU-XDS510-USB Lite [2.2Mb] | |
User's_Guide SAU-XDS510-USB Lite [1.5Mb]
64-bit Linux drivers for SAU510 rev 1.1.0 23-May-2017 [7 Mb]
+ Added support for 64-bit versions of Code Composer Studio (CCS v6.2.0 and above) + Fixed bug with killing of sau_proxy process by new versions of udev + Added "Test connection" feature in target configuration editor. |
Windows drivers for SAU510 rev. 15-Sep-2014 [14.6 Mb]
+ Added JTAG chain test/diagnostic for CCS5 and higher
* Updated XML files for connections to automate TDO/TMS timing setting when clocking modes are changed * Fixed SC_ERR_BRD_VAR_VALUE error in CCS 2.x when using driver's default additional configuration files *!Fixed PATH corruption when PATH length exceeds 1024 bytes (issue of NSIS (Nullsoft Scriptable Install System)) |
Linux drivers for SAU510 rev 1.0.2 17-Jul-2014 [5.5 Mb] |
Windows drivers SAU-XDS510-USB Lite [ 14.6Mb ] | |
Linux driv ers SAU-XDS510-USB Lite [ 5.5Mb ] |